Abstract Paintings Define The State Of The Mind

It doesn't have to be anything recognizable when it comes to abstract painting, but having a location for the eye to begin and end as it wanders around the canvas helps a picture ‘make sense' and feel pleasing to look at. For the same reason, you want the main point to be off-center in general.

The large white loop at the top draws the eye away from the 'path' in the lower half and towards the horizon in this one. It's not a prominent focal point, but it aids eye travel, which is exactly what the eye wants to accomplish!

A picture with a small range of values can feel shallow and uninspiring. If there isn't enough of a pathway for the eye to follow, even if it's subtle, it might also be confusing to the spectator.

While there is certainly abstract painting Singapore with a limited value range that are incredibly stunning, there are also abstracts with a wide range of values that are absolutely stunning. Adding and subtracting is one of the simplest and most forgiving techniques to construct a painting since you simply keep going until everything comes together. 

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