Why Invest In Art

Yes, you heard it right- art is a major form of investment, and it is been so for a very long time, perhaps even longer than the traditional forms of investment (except for land). 

But unlike the traditional and the conventional forms of investments, art has some additional values as well- such as aesthetic value, emotional value, aesthetic appeal, memories, nostalgia; art can titillate the human mind and the sense, art can make one cry, smile and laugh. 

But do you think gold investments, or NFTs, or stocks in the equity market is going to illicit similar responses from you? The chances of that happening are very less or negligible. Why? this is because Stocks and shares do not have an intrinsic aesthetic value. You cannot expect to put them up on your wall and solicit satisfaction and aesthetic pleasure from looking at it. Nor it increases the value of your house, or improves your taste in life and art. 

Art is an investment which is unlike most other traditional and conventional forms of investments. There are other aspects of art as well. For instance, art is exceptionally intriguing. Art collection is a type of hobby which is very addictive in nature. Also, the fact that the value of art steadily increases over time, makes it a viable form of investment. Often, original paintings and pieces of classical art is used as a means of payment or token payment. In order for you to buy art online, consider Art Rtistiq. 


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